SIFE University of Lodz won SIFE Poland National Competition 2012!

SIFE University of Gdansk achieved the vice-masterhip.

SIFE University of Management and Banking in Poznan obtained the third place. Moreover, this team received a special recognition from PwC – SIFE Poland Diamond Sponsor – for the „Eco Driver” project. It is a program which promotes the idea of eco-driving among the drivers in Poznan.

The members of winning team are mostly the students of Faculty of Economics and Sociology at University of Lodz. They cooperate with companies and support them in applying new solutions, f.e. environmental management system in accordance with ISO. They also educate youngsters in economics and basic IT issues. In one of their projects „Earn if you dare” they support their beneficiaries in combining business with passion. They supported inhabitants of Dobra village in establishing their own local soccer club!

SIFE UŁ will represent Poland in SIFE World Cup 2012 which will take place this fall in Washington DC.

Congratulations to all participating SIFE teams!

Below we present the annual reports of all teams participating in SIFE Poland National Competition 2012

Technical University of Lodz

Poznan Univeristy of Technology

Warsaw University of Life Sciences

University of Gdansk

University of Lodz

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

University of Management and Banking in Poznan