Enactus World Cup 2013 was held on 29th September – 1 October in Cancun , Mexico. During the event, representatives of 36 countries presented their projects in front of an international jury. Poland was represented by the team from University of Gdansk. Presentations were evaluated by judges – members of the boards of the companies from all around the world.

By the judges decision for the final round qualified teams from Germany, UK , Nigeria and Puerto Rico.

The results are as follows:

First place – Technical University of Munich , Germany

Second place – University of Southampton, United Kingdom

Third place – Kaduna Polytechnic , Nigeria

Fourth place – University of Puerto Rico , Humacao , Puerto Rico

The winning team from Munich presented projects connected with development of micro- enterprise in Africa and South America, based on beekeeping and optics. By using innovative solutions (eg. production of 1$ glasses) not only allowed the development and creation of new businesses but also positively contributed to solving other problems in the local communities.

We invite You to watch their presentation:

[youtube id=”hiD42NFXBUQ” width=”600″ height=”350″ autoplay=”no” api_params=”” class=””]

International contest is accompanied by additional events such as discussion forums with students and representatives of the companies. Guests also really enjoys event called „Culture Fair”, where students present objects, materials or food specific to their country.

We invite you to watch the Flashback video and feel the incredible atmosphere of the Enactus World Cup.

[youtube id=”sSoX9l6ZkBA” width=”600″ height=”350″ autoplay=”no” api_params=”” class=””]

We also encourage you to view photos and other videos from the event. Materials and any updated information can be found on the official website of the Enactus World Cup, and on Enactus channel on YouTube.