Credit Agricole Bank Polska SA joined the AIG and PwC as a sponsor of the Enactus in Poland. Katarzyna JędryczekWasiel, Director of Recruitment and Development declares that: „The involvement of students in community problems and their entrepreneurial approach in emerging challenges is also a part of our business goals, and even the Bank’s organizational culture. By participating in Enactus program, we have a great opportunity to integrate into one, two of the areas that have been for a long time a priority of our actions. It is the policy of corporate social responsibility and the recruitment of young talents.”

Seeing the possibilities and potential of Wroclaw students, Bank wants to focus primarily on the development of the program in Wroclaw. By Credit Agricole recommendation – proposal of cooperation and commitment to Enactus was already received by Wroclaw University of Life Sciences. The university at the start of the new year will begin recruiting students to start a new team. We are confident that support and know-how that we offer, will help the team at the University of Life Sciences in Wroclaw to implement an ambitious and, above all, useful project. To them, as well as to other teams we want to wish a „good luck”– Adds Katarzyna JędryczekWąsiel.