Seven teams participated in Lotus grant competition. Students described their project plans for upcoming year. Sponsor of competition – Lotus Group was looking for project, which will be the most consistent with the assumptions of the Company’s corporate social responsibility strategy.


” We were impressed with the ideas and projects of Enactus students. We are pleased that the students were so enthusiastic about our proposals for cooperation . The submitted proposals described a very interesting and varied ideas, engaged different groups of beneficiaries , covered sport, ecology and entrepreneurship factors. We’ll be sure to watch all the projects that we met on the occasion of the competition and we hope to develop in line with expectations and plans of students, ” said Iwona Mostowska , Head of Social and Cultural Affairs at LOTOS .

On February 7 the commission chose the project ” Ekorywalizacja ” submitted by Enactus University of Gdansk and decided to award a grant in the amount of 10 000 zł for its implementation. The project is a continuation of the SLOW ( Second Life of Waste ) realized in 2013. It depends on the organization of the educational campaign , which one of the steps is to collect PET bottles , among others, in Gdansk schools, fitness clubs and during the ecological events. As a result of the pilot version of the project has collected 25 thousand . plastic PET bottles, which in collaboration with the four companies have been processed into 200 quilts . Quilts were transferred to people in need. Project in 2014 will be extended by the „Day of ecology ” which is addressed to the 30 schools in Gdansk.


Selected project fits in environmental programs implemented by Grupa LOTOS within CSR Strategy . In addition to programs such as „Lotos pomaga bałtyckiej przyrodzie ” or ” Chronimy NATURĘ na wyspie Sobieszewskiej” LOTOS Group is involved in a number of events , workshops and actions aimed at increasing the knowledge and awareness among children and youngsters , especially for company local community
More about the CSR strategy of Grupa LOTOS can read here

Selected project meets the Enactus criterion and probably will be presented at next national Enactus competition.